11/02/25 ·
Bureau AVIAREPS zal destinatie Monaco vertegenwoordigen op de DACH-markt (Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Z...
07/02/25 ·
Deze week is het nieuwe Trendrapport toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd verschenen. De 45ste editie van dit rapport van NRIT, CELTH en NBTC biedt een actueel inzicht in de belangrijkste trends en ontwikkelingen in toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd. In de online omgeving is alle content uit het Trendrapport, inclusief de data achter de meer dan 250 grafieken, beschikbaar.
06/02/25 ·
De Tilburgse Spooorzone krijgt in het voorjaar van 2026 in de vorm van een Groene Kathedraal een tijdelijk stedelijk lunapark. De Groene Kathedraal wordt een podium voor een prikkelend programma voor een breed publiek, waar met positiviteit en verbeeldingskracht aandacht wordt gevraagd voor dilemma’s en oplossingen voor de grote duurzaamheidsopgaven in Brabant, het Homeland van Vincent van Gogh.
06/02/25 ·
In 2025 zal de vrije tijd van consumenten steeds meer gericht zijn op ‘log-out-tijd’. Bovendien willen zij meer live ontmoetingen hebben. Flexibeler werken maakt het mogelijk om op andere momenten te genieten. Artificiële Intelligentie (AI) gaat de consument helpen bij het zoeken naar informatie maar met name ook het personaliseren van vrijetijdsactiviteiten en reizen
30/01/25 ·
Op donderdag 20 maart 2025 is de Breda University of Applied Sciences gasthogeschool van het jaarlijkse Trendcongres Toerisme en Vrijetijd 2025. Het thema van het congres is Toerisme in Transformatie: Business as Unusual. De congresorganisatie maakt vandaag de drie internationale keynotes bekend: Dr. Willy Legrand, Stanislav Ivanov en Ramon Vullings.
24/01/25 ·
We zijn verheugd aan te kondigen dat alle artikelen van de nieuwste editie van Uncover, het jaarlijkse, thematische tijdschrift van de Academy for Leisure & Events van de Breda University, nu online beschikbaar zijn in de kennisbank van NRIT.
23/01/25 ·
These are dynamic times, characterised by widely differing opinions about and movements around internationalisation. Creating a themed Uncover issue at this time could be seen as choosing the right moment to take a breath of fresh air amidst the storm. With the current turbulence, taking stock of where we actually are, where we have come from and where we are going is a meaningful process. For BUas and ALE, it is clear that internationalisation has been in their very fibres from the beginning and that the added value of intercultural classroom settings is something to be nurtured sustainably.
22/01/25 ·
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) is proud to house one of the six World Leisure Centers of Excellence. BUas has arranged its education activities in five academies. The World Leisure Center of Excellence is part of Academy for Leisure & Events (ALE).
22/01/25 ·
The World Leisure Organization (WLO) has two Centers of Excellence (WLCE) in Canada, each with distinct settings and dynamics: one in Nanaimo, British Columbia, on Canada’s west coast, and the other in Trois-Rivières, Québec, in Eastern Canada. A key difference between the two centers is their language. The WLCE at Vancouver Island University attracts students from English-speaking Canada and global regions, including India, Iran, China, Mexico, and Vietnam. The WLCE at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières offers the only French-speaking graduate leisure studies programs and thus attracts local and international students from Francophile regions. This linguistic distinction significantly influences their respective international partnerships.
22/01/25 ·
The Department of Tourism at the University of Otago has been a World Leisure Center of Excellence since 2018. Known also by the M?ori title of ?t?kou Whakaihu Waka, the University is located in Dunedin, in the South Island of New Zealand. Dunedin is renowned for its diverse natural landscapes, unique wildlife species and multicultural heritage. It is possible to construct an image of this WLCE as being a long way from everywhere else, disconnected from the rest of the world and out of touch. Certainly, the recent experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which New Zealand’s borders were closed for a long period and life within them went on pretty much as before while so much of the rest of the world struggled. Yet seen from a different perspective, New Zealand is one of the first places in the world where the new day dawns. As such, it may be said to lead the world, not merely follow in everyone else’s shadow.
22/01/25 ·
Under the background of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, the income level and quality of life of China's residents have significantly improved, while leisure and recreation have become an important part of the Chinese people's daily lives. For example, the survey in the Annual Report on Leisure Development in China 2023-2024 shows that 86.2 per cent of respondents consider leisure time to be very important or important to them, which is an increase of 22 percentage points from 2022 (China Tourism Academy, 2024). Therefore, to meet people's needs for a better life, leisure has become a national strategy and an important way to promote social harmony, stability and improve the quality of life. In addition, with the increasing integration and advancement of emerging technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud computing, and AI in the leisure industry, the ongoing emergence of innovative business models in the leisure sector, the continuous enhancement of policies and institutional frameworks in the leisure field, and the notable improvement in governance capabilities, a diverse pattern of high-quality development in the leisure industry has been established. This development is further supported by the cultural, tourism, sports, and health sectors. As a result, leisure activities in China have evolved from traditional, often passive, activities to diversified, more active, technology-driven activities, and on a global scale (Lin & Dong, 2018). We would like to give a brief overview of the main issues and challenges of the current globalisation of leisure activities in China.
22/01/25 ·
The School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, at the University of São Paulo (EACH-USP), is one of the founding hubs of the World Leisure Centers of Excellence (WLCE) network. With 4,400 students and over 250 professors, EACH-USP is about to celebrate its 20th anniversary (2005-2025), but it is part of one of the most influential universities in Latin America: USP was founded in 1934 and, today, is ranked at position 85 at QS World University Ranking. The creation of the new campus brought innovative and, in some cases, unprecedented focuses to the undergrad environment, including marketing, public policies management, textile & fashion and, of course, leisure and tourism programmes. Though tourism is a traditional academic pathway in Brazil (the first undergraduate programme opened in 1974), EACH was a pioneer in combining leisure and tourism topics into a single programme, enhancing an integrated approach to both fields.
22/01/25 ·
An entire chapter from the World Leisure Organization (WLO) has been contributed to this edition of Uncover. This first article introduces the World Leisure Organization including the phenomenon of World Leisure Centers of Excellence (WLCEs). This is followed by articles from WLCEs from Brazil, Canada, China and New Zealand. BUas, which is a WLCE too, finally concludes the chapter including a look into the future at the World Leisure Congress in 2025, which will take place in the Netherlands in Breda and Rotterdam.
22/01/25 ·
BUas sees working towards a more inclusive leisure sector as an important challenge, which needs to be tackled together with representatives of the sector itself. A key requirement for that to be successful is that when designing for leisure practices and facilities, students (and lecturers!) need to look beyond personal preferences (what you like is not necessarily good for everyone), beyond their own physical, sensory or intellectual abilities (what you are capable of doing - seeing - understanding might be inaccessible to others) and their financial capacity (some people might have less - or no - money to spend on leisure). Doing so means to recognise and acknowledge diverse perspectives, backgrounds, motives and possibilities.
21/01/25 ·
Menig toerist die Nederland bezoekt is verrast over de digitale betalingen terwijl zij met fysieke euro's in de hand staan. In Europa is cash nog steeds populair maar andere vormen van betalen groeien snel.
21/01/25 ·
A Dutch-Belgian delegation specialising in sport and vitality recently visited Copenhagen. Representing Breda University of Applied Sciences, I participated in this delegation to strengthen our international network. Moreover, the programme aligned seamlessly with my professional doctorate studies, which focus on the role urban or street culture can play in the development of future-proof cities. So how do you ensure that leisure activities contribute to a vital, inclusive and attractive city for residents and visitors?
21/01/25 ·
In 2017 I arrived in Breda as an international student from Italy, now I have already been working as a lecturer at BUas for 18 months. When I first moved to the Netherlands, I was all set for a cutting-edge, open-minded environment. I had never been here before, and all I knew was the image of the Netherlands as a progressive and innovative country. However, what I found was a whole new level of culture shock - from different social habits and norms, while also realising that cracking into Dutch social circles was tougher than expected. This mostly had me hanging out with other international students who were also trying to find their way, creating our own little bubble of shared experiences.
21/01/25 ·
With classmates we have often enjoyed drinks in the city or shared a meal tog...
11/02/25 ·
Bureau AVIAREPS zal destinatie Monaco vertegenwoordigen op de DACH-markt (Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Z...
06/02/25 ·
De Tilburgse Spooorzone krijgt in het voorjaar van 2026 in de vorm van een Groene Kathedraal een tijdelijk stedelijk lunapark. De Groene Kathedraal wordt een podium voor een prikkelend programma voor een breed publiek, waar met positiviteit en verbeeldingskracht aandacht wordt gevraagd voor dilemma’s en oplossingen voor de grote duurzaamheidsopgaven in Brabant, het Homeland van Vincent van Gogh.
30/01/25 ·
Op donderdag 20 maart 2025 is de Breda University of Applied Sciences gasthogeschool van het jaarlijkse Trendcongres Toerisme en Vrijetijd 2025. Het thema van het congres is Toerisme in Transformatie: Business as Unusual. De congresorganisatie maakt vandaag de drie internationale keynotes bekend: Dr. Willy Legrand, Stanislav Ivanov en Ramon Vullings.
23/01/25 ·
These are dynamic times, characterised by widely differing opinions about and movements around internationalisation. Creating a themed Uncover issue at this time could be seen as choosing the right moment to take a breath of fresh air amidst the storm. With the current turbulence, taking stock of where we actually are, where we have come from and where we are going is a meaningful process. For BUas and ALE, it is clear that internationalisation has been in their very fibres from the beginning and that the added value of intercultural classroom settings is something to be nurtured sustainably.
22/01/25 ·
The World Leisure Organization (WLO) has two Centers of Excellence (WLCE) in Canada, each with distinct settings and dynamics: one in Nanaimo, British Columbia, on Canada’s west coast, and the other in Trois-Rivières, Québec, in Eastern Canada. A key difference between the two centers is their language. The WLCE at Vancouver Island University attracts students from English-speaking Canada and global regions, including India, Iran, China, Mexico, and Vietnam. The WLCE at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières offers the only French-speaking graduate leisure studies programs and thus attracts local and international students from Francophile regions. This linguistic distinction significantly influences their respective international partnerships.
22/01/25 ·
Under the background of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, the income level and quality of life of China's residents have significantly improved, while leisure and recreation have become an important part of the Chinese people's daily lives. For example, the survey in the Annual Report on Leisure Development in China 2023-2024 shows that 86.2 per cent of respondents consider leisure time to be very important or important to them, which is an increase of 22 percentage points from 2022 (China Tourism Academy, 2024). Therefore, to meet people's needs for a better life, leisure has become a national strategy and an important way to promote social harmony, stability and improve the quality of life. In addition, with the increasing integration and advancement of emerging technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud computing, and AI in the leisure industry, the ongoing emergence of innovative business models in the leisure sector, the continuous enhancement of policies and institutional frameworks in the leisure field, and the notable improvement in governance capabilities, a diverse pattern of high-quality development in the leisure industry has been established. This development is further supported by the cultural, tourism, sports, and health sectors. As a result, leisure activities in China have evolved from traditional, often passive, activities to diversified, more active, technology-driven activities, and on a global scale (Lin & Dong, 2018). We would like to give a brief overview of the main issues and challenges of the current globalisation of leisure activities in China.
22/01/25 ·
An entire chapter from the World Leisure Organization (WLO) has been contributed to this edition of Uncover. This first article introduces the World Leisure Organization including the phenomenon of World Leisure Centers of Excellence (WLCEs). This is followed by articles from WLCEs from Brazil, Canada, China and New Zealand. BUas, which is a WLCE too, finally concludes the chapter including a look into the future at the World Leisure Congress in 2025, which will take place in the Netherlands in Breda and Rotterdam.
21/01/25 ·
Menig toerist die Nederland bezoekt is verrast over de digitale betalingen terwijl zij met fysieke euro's in de hand staan. In Europa is cash nog steeds populair maar andere vormen van betalen groeien snel.
21/01/25 ·
In 2017 I arrived in Breda as an international student from Italy, now I have already been working as a lecturer at BUas for 18 months. When I first moved to the Netherlands, I was all set for a cutting-edge, open-minded environment. I had never been here before, and all I knew was the image of the Netherlands as a progressive and innovative country. However, what I found was a whole new level of culture shock - from different social habits and norms, while also realising that cracking into Dutch social circles was tougher than expected. This mostly had me hanging out with other international students who were also trying to find their way, creating our own little bubble of shared experiences.
07/02/25 ·
Deze week is het nieuwe Trendrapport toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd verschenen. De 45ste editie van dit rapport van NRIT, CELTH en NBTC biedt een actueel inzicht in de belangrijkste trends en ontwikkelingen in toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd. In de online omgeving is alle content uit het Trendrapport, inclusief de data achter de meer dan 250 grafieken, beschikbaar.
06/02/25 ·
In 2025 zal de vrije tijd van consumenten steeds meer gericht zijn op ‘log-out-tijd’. Bovendien willen zij meer live ontmoetingen hebben. Flexibeler werken maakt het mogelijk om op andere momenten te genieten. Artificiële Intelligentie (AI) gaat de consument helpen bij het zoeken naar informatie maar met name ook het personaliseren van vrijetijdsactiviteiten en reizen
24/01/25 ·
We zijn verheugd aan te kondigen dat alle artikelen van de nieuwste editie van Uncover, het jaarlijkse, thematische tijdschrift van de Academy for Leisure & Events van de Breda University, nu online beschikbaar zijn in de kennisbank van NRIT.
22/01/25 ·
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) is proud to house one of the six World Leisure Centers of Excellence. BUas has arranged its education activities in five academies. The World Leisure Center of Excellence is part of Academy for Leisure & Events (ALE).
22/01/25 ·
The Department of Tourism at the University of Otago has been a World Leisure Center of Excellence since 2018. Known also by the M?ori title of ?t?kou Whakaihu Waka, the University is located in Dunedin, in the South Island of New Zealand. Dunedin is renowned for its diverse natural landscapes, unique wildlife species and multicultural heritage. It is possible to construct an image of this WLCE as being a long way from everywhere else, disconnected from the rest of the world and out of touch. Certainly, the recent experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which New Zealand’s borders were closed for a long period and life within them went on pretty much as before while so much of the rest of the world struggled. Yet seen from a different perspective, New Zealand is one of the first places in the world where the new day dawns. As such, it may be said to lead the world, not merely follow in everyone else’s shadow.
22/01/25 ·
The School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, at the University of São Paulo (EACH-USP), is one of the founding hubs of the World Leisure Centers of Excellence (WLCE) network. With 4,400 students and over 250 professors, EACH-USP is about to celebrate its 20th anniversary (2005-2025), but it is part of one of the most influential universities in Latin America: USP was founded in 1934 and, today, is ranked at position 85 at QS World University Ranking. The creation of the new campus brought innovative and, in some cases, unprecedented focuses to the undergrad environment, including marketing, public policies management, textile & fashion and, of course, leisure and tourism programmes. Though tourism is a traditional academic pathway in Brazil (the first undergraduate programme opened in 1974), EACH was a pioneer in combining leisure and tourism topics into a single programme, enhancing an integrated approach to both fields.
22/01/25 ·
BUas sees working towards a more inclusive leisure sector as an important challenge, which needs to be tackled together with representatives of the sector itself. A key requirement for that to be successful is that when designing for leisure practices and facilities, students (and lecturers!) need to look beyond personal preferences (what you like is not necessarily good for everyone), beyond their own physical, sensory or intellectual abilities (what you are capable of doing - seeing - understanding might be inaccessible to others) and their financial capacity (some people might have less - or no - money to spend on leisure). Doing so means to recognise and acknowledge diverse perspectives, backgrounds, motives and possibilities.
21/01/25 ·
A Dutch-Belgian delegation specialising in sport and vitality recently visited Copenhagen. Representing Breda University of Applied Sciences, I participated in this delegation to strengthen our international network. Moreover, the programme aligned seamlessly with my professional doctorate studies, which focus on the role urban or street culture can play in the development of future-proof cities. So how do you ensure that leisure activities contribute to a vital, inclusive and attractive city for residents and visitors?
21/01/25 ·
With classmates we have often enjoyed drinks in the city or shared a meal tog...
Column van Herre Dijksma over het spreiden van toerisme in de vorm van een open brief aan Femke Halsema, burgemeester van Amsterdam
Organisaties uit de gastvrijheid- en vrijetijdssector slaan de handen ineen voor een sterke...
Wie de afgelopen tijd niet van ChatGPT heeft gehoord, heeft zeer waarschijnlijk onder een s...
In tijden van economische en klimatologische malaise neemt de oproep aan de bevolking toe o...
Vrijwel dagelijks berichten nieuwsmedia over de dilemma’s van Nederlandse overheden en on...
Een vraag die ik regelmatig van beleidsambtenaren krijg, is: die integraliteit, hoe bereik ik die nu? Laat ik eerlijk zijn: dat gaat natuurlijk niet van de ene op de andere dag. Toch zijn er gemeenten en provincies die hierin al aardig op weg zijn, en die zijn óók ooit ergens begonnen.
We leven inmiddels meer dan 7 weken in een inteligente lockdown. Een ingrijpende maatregel om het Co...
Het Coronavirus heeft een grote impact op ons vrijetijdsgedrag. In een paar weken tijd zijn ons gedrag en de VrijetijdTrends 180 graden gedraaid. De vraag is: wat gebeurt er als deze crisis weer op zijn retour is?
Wat gaat de coronacrisis onze sector van almaar meer-meer-meer opleveren? Wat boeit onze gasten in de toekomst nu echt?
Met veel bombarie trokken boeren op 4 oktober naar De Haag om te protesteren. Aanleiding voor dit pr...
12/02/25 t/m 13-02-25
Recreatie Next Level is dé next step naar inspiratie en kennis voor de (toekomstige) rec...
Op donderdag 20 maart 2025 is de Breda University of Applied Sciences gasthogeschool van het Trendco...
Pleisureworld organiseert op woensdag 25 juni 2025 de Vakbeurs Family Entertainment Centers op ...
Bureau AVIAREPS zal destinatie Monaco vertegenwoordigen op de DACH-markt (Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Z...
De Tilburgse Spooorzone krijgt in het voorjaar van 2026 in de vorm van een Groene Kathedraal een tijdelijk stedelijk lunapark. De Groene Kathedraal wordt een podium voor een prikkelend programma voor een breed publiek, waar met positiviteit en verbeeldingskracht aandacht wordt gevraagd voor dilemma’s en oplossingen voor de grote duurzaamheidsopgaven in Brabant, het Homeland van Vincent van Gogh.
We zijn verheugd aan te kondigen dat alle artikelen van de nieuwste editie van Uncover, het jaarlijkse, thematische tijdschrift van de Academy for Leisure & Events van de Breda University, nu online beschikbaar zijn in de kennisbank van NRIT.
Menig toerist die Nederland bezoekt is verrast over de digitale betalingen terwijl zij met fysieke euro's in de hand staan. In Europa is cash nog steeds populair maar andere vormen van betalen groeien snel.
Michel van Velde is sinds 1 januari toegetreden tot de Raad van Toezicht van destinatieorganisatie Utrecht Marketing. De Raad van Toezicht is daarmee compleet.
Na een bijna vijf jaar durende renovatie is het gebouw ook weer open voor bezoekers en toeristen. Een bijzondere attractie in het hart van de hoofdstad Amsterdam.
Het jaar 2024 loopt ten einde en we kijken vol verwachting uit naar een prachtig 2025. We willen jullie hartelijk bedanken voor de fijne samenwerking en het vertrouwen in ons.
Volgende week donderdag 19 december staat er een prachtig evenement op de planning voor onze Bredase studenten Toerisme, Leisure & Marketing, samen met een aantal prominente Bredase bedrijven en organisaties.