Geplaatst op: 05-03-2015

Joost de Kruijf about Cities in Transition

Joost de Kruijf about Cities in Transition
Next week NHTV organizes in close co-operation with CELTH the conference Cities in Transition. During this two-day event you will gain the latest insights into subjects including slow and smart cities, social innovation, city hospitality, placemaking, social media and new technology, as well as the impact of leisure and tourism policies on future city development. On we will present in a series of short movies several speakers.

Above all, we are looking forward to exploring together with you and many other experts the new frontier for the multi-faceted challenges in our cities ahead of us. We will ensure many opportunities to meet new cooperation partners and to strengthen your network. You will go home inspired with new personal connections, ideas and solutions to better our cities in the future.

Joost de Kruijf about Cycle SPACES
On we will present in a series of short movies several speakers. Today Joost de Kruijf, a lecturer and researcher Urban Development and Mobility at NHTV. Joost is performing PhD research at Utrecht University on changes in experience of the spatial context and well-being as a result of a shift for car to electric bicycle in daily commuting. To the practice and science closer together, he has set up a collaboration for his work with the province Noord-Brabant.

Cycle SPACES: Cycle and Spatial Experience Simulator During this demonstration participants can experience the Virtual Reality Cycling Simulator themselves, cycling on the super cycle highway which will be constructed between the cities of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Oss in 2016.

Trefwoorden: CELTH, stedelijk toerisme


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